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Released on: 1970-01-01

Want more? Here’s a whole lot more of what I’ve posted in the past, but without the limitations of time and relevance to the current topic.

The title photo is a throw back to the video/blog post.

If you’re a search engine, you may also be interested in… Actually humans are welcome too! ;)

This post references

While the tags are the primary way to refine what you want to see around the site, themes are tags that are quite general and most likely to be at the right level for most people to browse or subscribe via RSS. ...

Posts using the same tags

I took some time to extend myself with some intellectual challenges. Here's what I've done so far.
I live-streamed an attempt to get to 8192 again in Cubetrix. Let's see what happened.
I'm about to go live to attempt to get to 8192 again. Will I succeed? I legitimately don't know.
An Android game like 2048, but 3D, and requiring a different strategy.
It was time for a much needed update to the resolution app. Here's what I've improved.
The miss-understanding was so wide-spread that it lead me down quite a rabbit-hole fact checking everything I thought I knew and alternative understandings.
Timezones are surprisingly hard already. But there's one practice in communication that makes them so much harder that they need to be in international settings. Luckily the solution is really easy.
This is the latest DevOps methodology to drive business revenue to the next level.
I covered a lot of detail in the resolution project. I was bound to get something wrong. This is where I'll post anything that comes up over time.
Why portrain-only designs on mobile devices are a bug. And why that matters.
Getting the information and access you need to your infrastructure quickly, so that you can get back to sleep.
A collection of projects to show off to potential employers.
It's time to blow the dust off machine learning, and apply it to a dataset that I know.
I've just released the biggest, most exciting, update since the first public release of handWavey. The learning curve is dramatically reduced!
A recent question on Reddit resulted in many incomplete and wrong answers. It seemed valuable to dive a little deeper.
The story of where Achel came from, and where it's going.
My CV had gained so much weight that it was hard to do anything with it any more, and it was hard to read. So I did something about it...
Under some circumstances, the virtual keyboard does not appear/disappear as you'd expect. Luckily, it's really easy to work around.
Control your computer using a Leap Motion controller, but with an every-day-quality implementation.
If your technical documentation would sound amazing when narrated by someone like Morgan Freeman, or Judi Dench, it's not documentation.
If you want to share stable diffusion on your network without exposing any information to the outside world. This is one way to do it.
There's a trick for getting a big speed boost on old hardware that's so easy that I'm surprised I haven't heard people talking about it.
What began as 3 tripods on a hill, and hours per photo, ended with way better results in seconds, hand held.
I accidentally automated Javelining a plane into the ground. And I learnt a huge amount along the way.
Most of the discussions around screen resolution have been something like "I don't want it; therefore you don't want it." Let's dive into that.
When I created my first test pattern for testing the phones, I couldn't see what I expected to see. So I dived into why. What followed was a fascinating journey.
When someone tells you that the maximum that you can perceive is governed by the size and spacing of your cone cells; they are wrong. Let's dive into why.
How much of your phone's screen resolution can you actually see? This app helps you quantify it.
When I set the the font size to my preferences, it looks fuzzy on a 1080p display, but not on a 4k display. Why?
Over the last few years, there has been a lot of talk about whether you can make use of the full resolution on a phone with a 4K display. Let's dig in and actually understand this.
What are the actual Astro Slide screen dimensions?
How to find the Astro-specific settings.
Want to disable OneSearch? Here's how.
Sometimes the Astro Slide screen goes black. Here's an easy work-around.
Group of posts about the Astro Slide 5G.
Many people have reported the finger print scanner on the Astro slide 5G to be unreliable. Here's how to fix it.
It's very easy to have accidental key presses while closing the Astro Slide. Here's a method that makes it much easier.
Getting an external display running on the Gemini PDA (or any modern Android phone) without the HDMI dongle.
Getting an external display running on the Astro Slide (or any modern Android phone) without the HDMI dongle.
Privacy policy for the Resolution Android app.
I'm stopping my Patreon activity for now. Let's dive a little deeper into why.
How to get an external display working on your phone without using an HDMI adapter.
What is handWavey? And how to get up to speed with it more quickly.
4 easy phone hacks to make your phone more useful and fun
We had a bit of a storm, and it seemed worth a share.
The RandomKSandom series is the spiritual successor to FunnyHacks. Here, you can find all of the posts about it.
Why you should think carefully before requesting refunds from a crowdfunding campaign.
CentOS, as we know it, is ending. What? Why? And what we should do next.
An easy way to get a dark theme for kmail content, that reliably works on pretty much everything.
This is a continuation of An SRE's confession. P(12)])(confession). If you haven't read that yet, you should start there. 1. Site look and logic 1. An SRE's confession P(11) 1. **[An SRE's confession P(22) - You are here. 1. Under the hood. 1. Why I chose the tooling that I ...
FunnyHacks recently underwent an overhaul from top to bottom. I covered the front-end stuff on and that was the right place for the post introducing the changes. But since RandomKSandom is where I'm going to be posting future content like this, this seemed like the right place to continue. ...
This tag is for grouping the various projects that I do. These range from quick hardware hacks the provide some use, through to larger software projects. ...
I've been in the computer industry for well over two decades. It has changed so much that it is barely recognisable compared to what it was. Most of the changes are for the better. Some are things that we have always sucked at. And some are very much worse. The weCanDoThisBetter series of blog posts is for addressing the areas where we could do better.
This is the page for when something goes wrong. Most likely a 404. Try going here instead. In case you were wondering what the photo is in the header, it's a lens for one of the LED light sources in a projector. It is both boiled, and cracked, which is ...
calibrate multiple touch and non touch screens on a single linux system." This is to address the issue on multi-display Linux desktops where the touch panel is automatically calibrated to operate over all of the displays, and even if you get the calibration right, it's then wrong again when you ...
DoneIt is a time tracker for working out where your time is going. For me there were a few things I wanted to achieve with it - Be able to say what I've been doing all day. - See how much time is lost to time ...
Well over a year ago I introduced mass which is a tool for managing large numbers of servers. It's come along way in that time, and it's well and truly time for another look. From the users' point of view, the most interesting things are probably that you can now ...
Achel is a programming language that I have been working on for the past 13 years (I said 12 in the video, it has been a long time!) There has been growing interest in the programs I have been writing using it, so I have now released it as open ...
While the tags are the primary way to refine what you want to see around the site, themes are tags that are quite general and most likely to be at the right level for most people to browse or subscribe via RSS. ...
I've done a few software projects over the years. Here's a collection of some of them.
Want more? Here's a whole lot more of what I've posted in the past, but without limitations of time and relevance to the current topic. The title photo is a throw back to the FunnyHacks.comtravel videoblog post. If you're a search engine, you may also be interested in Actually ...
For now and the foreseeable future, this site does not use cookies by default. It has specifically been designed that way. There are features that you can choose to use that will warn you before setting cookies for the first time. At the time of this writing; those are: * ...
No information here yet. But there will be :) ...
Hi! This is me: At the age of 6, my dad taught me the basics of electronics, and I've been trying to electrocute myself ever since. This blog is a spin off from my FunnyHacks blog. Over the last few years, as I've been growing, I've been finding the FunnyHacks ...


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