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Released on: 1970-01-01

Here are some posts related to the tag “workAround”:

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Under some circumstances, the virtual keyboard does not appear/disappear as you'd expect. Luckily, it's really easy to work around.
Want to disable OneSearch? Here's how.
Many people have reported the finger print scanner on the Astro slide 5G to be unreliable. Here's how to fix it.
It's very easy to have accidental key presses while closing the Astro Slide. Here's a method that makes it much easier.

Posts using the same tags

Under some circumstances, the virtual keyboard does not appear/disappear as you'd expect. Luckily, it's really easy to work around.
Want to disable OneSearch? Here's how.
Many people have reported the finger print scanner on the Astro slide 5G to be unreliable. Here's how to fix it.
It's very easy to have accidental key presses while closing the Astro Slide. Here's a method that makes it much easier.


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