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Released on: 1970-01-01

Here are some posts related to the tag “tips”:

This post is referenced by

Under some circumstances, the virtual keyboard does not appear/disappear as you'd expect. Luckily, it's really easy to work around.
How to find the Astro-specific settings.
Want to disable OneSearch? Here's how.
It's very easy to have accidental key presses while closing the Astro Slide. Here's a method that makes it much easier.

Posts using the same tags

Under some circumstances, the virtual keyboard does not appear/disappear as you'd expect. Luckily, it's really easy to work around.
How to find the Astro-specific settings.
Want to disable OneSearch? Here's how.
It's very easy to have accidental key presses while closing the Astro Slide. Here's a method that makes it much easier.


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