Well over a year ago I introduced mass, which is a tool for managing large numbers of servers. It’s come along way in that time, and it’s well and truly time for another look.
From the users’ point of view, the most interesting things are probably that you can now install it using a one liner provided on the main readme like so
export extraSrc="https://github.com/ksandom/mass.git"; curl https://raw.github.com/ksandom/achel/master/supplimentary/misc/webInstall | bash
The ability to refine results. This will be covered in depth in another episode, but here are some to get you started
mass --help=--refine
mass --help=--first
mass --help=--last
And as always, there’s lots of documentation.
The project repo is at https://github.com/ksandom/mass.
NOTE: This page has moved from FunnyHacks.com/mass. There are still related how-to articles at that address.